Vancouver Chiropractic, Registered Massage & Acupuncture

Vancouver Chiropractic, Registered Massage & Acupuncture
Meet our Team Members!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Registered Acupuncture in Vancouver by Parisa Ehsan

We're excited to welcome Parisa Ehsan to our office. More information to follow but Parisa is practicing acupuncture in Vancouver at Hycroft Chiropractic & Massage.

Acupuncture in Vancouver

604-733-7744 for more information

Monday, August 2, 2010

Bunion Treatment in Vancouver

Bunion Treatment in Vancouver

A bunion is an enlargement of the bone & joint of the big toe (1st metatarsophalangeal joint) often caused by chronic irritation of the skin, joint capsule and bone. Genetic factors play a part in the development of a bunion as do the footwear chosen and the activities most often performed. High heeled and narrow shoes send to place a greater stress on the joint of the big toe and can be a precipitating factor.

Bunions can be treated & Bunions can be prevented!

Bunions can be successfully treated with the support of custom orthotic inserts. How you ask? It's an issue of biomechanics!

Bunion Treatment in Vancouver

Vancouver Bunions
114-3195 Granville St

Burnaby Bunions 4416 Dawson St

Have your questions about Bunions answered by Dr. Michael Horowitz by calling 604-737-3668 or by filling out the form below. He will respond promptly.

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Achilles Tendonitis Treatment in Vancouver

Achilles Tendonitis Treatment in Vancouver

Achilles Tendonitis is the inflammation (itis) of the achilles tendon, generally triggered by overuse of the side and is more common among active people training under less than ideal conditions. Poor footwear, faulty foot mechanics and repetitive strain are the most common causes of this condition.

Relief for Achilles Tendonitis pain is available!

Achilles tendonitis responds well to rest, ice, massage and correction of faulty foot mechanics with the use of custom orthotic inserts/shoes.

Achilles Tendonitis can be successfully treatment with the support of custom orthotic inserts!

Achilles Tendonitis Treatment in Vancouver
Vancouver Achilles Tendonitis - 114-3195 Granville St
Burnaby Achilles Tendonitis- 4416 Dawson St
West Vancouver Orthotics - 2121 Marine Drive

Have your questions about Achilles Tendonitis answered by Dr. Michael Horowitz by calling 604-737-3668 or by filling out the form below. He will respond promptly.

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Plantar Fasciitis Treatment in Vancouver

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment in Vancouver

Plantar Fasciitis is a painful inflammatory condition caused by excessive strain to the "plantar fascia" (bottom fibrous tissue) of the foot. The plantar fascia is a thick fibrous band of connective tissue originating on the bottom surface of the calcaneus (heel bone) and extending along the sole of the foot towards the five toes.

Dr. Michael Horowitz offers a 5-Step process to successfully treating this condition. He can help evaluate & diagnose your condition and recommend the best course of action for you. Call Vancouver Orthotics at 604-737-3668 for mor information.

Foot Pain

The cause of plantar fasciitis can be from a specific trauma to the foot or from chronic repetitive strain often associated with the flat overly pronated foot. Pain is usually felt on the underside of the heel, inside more often than outside of the arch, and is often most intense with the first steps of the day. It is commonly associated with long periods of weight bearing.

Plantar fasciitis can be successfully treatment with the support of custom orthotic inserts.

Excessive weight or weight gain, jobs that require a lot of standing or walking on hard surfaces, shoes with little or no arch support, and inactivity are also associated with the condition. In advanced cases plantar fasciitis can lead to heel spurring on the calcaneus, in which case it is the underlying condition, and not the spur itself, which produces the pain. Achilles tendinitis can sometimes be associated with plantar fasciitis.

Have your questions answered about Plantar Fasciitis by Dr. Michael Horowitz by calling 604-737-3668 or by filling out the form below. He will respond promptly.

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Key Phrases Associated with Plantar Fasciitis:

Incorrect Spellings:

Vancouver Orthotics for Foot Pain, Flat Feet & Plantar Fasciitis

Vancouver Orthotics by Dr. Michael Horowitz

1-877-497-3338 (Feet), 604-737-3668 in Vancouver

Welcome to Vancouver Orthotics provided by health care professional Dr. Michael Horowitz. Our offices in Vancouver (113-3195 Granville St) and Burnaby (4416 Dawson St) offer a wide variety of services including the prescription, fitting and dispensing of custom orthotic inserts and orthopedic shoes. Vancouver Orthotics provide a therapeutic approach to treating foot pain, ankle pain, knee pain, hip pain and lower back pain. Vancouver Orthotics also improve posture, gait, alignment and overall balance.

Postural Mis-Alignment

Mission Statement:

Our goal at Vancouver Orthotics is to provide our patients in Vancouver with an enhanced biomechanical support system that will ultimately lead to better posture and elimination of foot, ankle, knee, hip and back pain. We achieve this goal through specific consultation, examination and if necessary, the fitting, production and dispensing of custom made orthotic inserts.

Have your questions about custom orthotics & foot pain answered by Dr. Michael Horowitz by calling 604-737-3668 or by filling out the form below. He will respond promptly.

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Symptoms commonly treated with Vancouver Orthotics:

The Benefits of using
Vancouver Orthotic
  • Better Posture & Balance
  • Enhanced mechanical efficiency of motion
  • General & athletic performance improvements
  • Prevention of joint & soft tissue injury
  • Support & correction of the fallen (pronated) or high (supinated) foot arch

RESULTS! Vancouver Orthotics by Dr. Michael Horowitz can have a powerful effect on how your body feels and functions. We expect results with this form of treatment and we know our patients do too. Have the security of a well trained & dedicated health provider - Dr. Michael Horowitz - evaluate your condition and create your custom orthotic inserts tailored for your specific needs.

Treatment & Relief for the following conditions:

Flat Feet, Pronation, Plantar Fasciitis, Heel Spurs, Morton's Neuroma, Metatarsalgia, Bunions, Shin Splints, Tibial Stress Fractures, Patellofemoral Syndrome, ITB Syndrome (Ilio-Tibial Band), Bursitis, Synovitis

Vancouver Orthotics - 113-3195 Granville St, Burnaby Orthotics - 4416 Dawson St
West Vancouver Orthotics - 2121 Marine Drive

West Vancouver Orthotics - 2121 Marine Drive