Vancouver Chiropractic, Registered Massage & Acupuncture

Vancouver Chiropractic, Registered Massage & Acupuncture
Meet our Team Members!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Vancouver Massage Therapists (RMT's) - Accepting new Clients

Michealla Redeker - available Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri

& Now SUNDAYS (12noon, 1:15pm only)

Having graduated from The West Coast College of Massage Therapy in 2001, Michealla Redeker has been a practicing Registered Massage Therapist for five years. She provides a number of services including therapeutic deep tissue massage, myofascial release, muscle energy therapy and thai massage. In addition to these services, Michealla is constantly updating and adding to her practice by attending continuing education. Her clientele includes patients of varying ages with new or lingering injuries resulting from athletics, work, stress and accidents. Michealla is knowledgeable, resourceful, intuitive, approachable and friendly.
Terri Green

Terri Green graduated from the West Coast College of Massage Therapy. She takes an orthopedic approach to her treatments using techniques such as myofascial release, joint play, and trigger point release. She is educated in providing stretching and strengthening programs to suit each individuals needs. Terri is interested in treating people who take an active role in their health, and has chosen this career path so that she can improve the quality of people’s lives. Terri is available by appointment Tuesdays through Fridays.

Derek Wone

Derek is a graduate of the West Coast College of Massage Therapy. He takes a preventative approach to his massage therapy practice, and utilizes techniques such as trigger point release, myofascial release and rehabilitative exercises to promote function and pain relief in his patients. Derek is available for appointments on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Top Conditions Treated with Massage Therapy

Plantar Fasciitis
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Arthritis / Osteoarthritis
Tendonitis & Bursitis
Headaches & Migraines
Temporomandibular Join Dysfunction (TMJ)
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Low back pain & Sciatica
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Stress Reduction
Postural Dysfunctions/Imbalances
Pregnancy - Pre/Post-Natal
Iliotibial Band Contracture
Anterior Compartment Syndrome
Piriformis Syndrome
Frozen Shoulder
Tennis Elbow / Golfers Elbow

We require 24 hours notice for cancellations. Appointments missed or cancelled without 24 advanced notice will be charged the full treatment rate. Pricing effective as of January 2009, includes GST and may be subject to change without notice.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Vancouver Orthotics by Dr. Michael Horowitz

Orthotics with Dr. Michael Horowitz
Vancouver - Granville/16th (114-3195 Granville St @ 16th Ave)

Welcome to Vancouver Orthotics by Dr. Michael Horowitz. We're please to announce updates to our always improving website -

Orthotics are custom inserts that provide proper support and alignment to the feet.

The Benefits of Custom Orthotic Inserts:
• Better Posture & Balance
• Enhanced mechanical efficiency of motion
• General & athletic performance improvements
• Prevention of joint & soft tissue injury
• Support & correction of the fallen (pronated) or high (supinated) foot arch

Symptoms commonly treated with Custom Inserts:
• Foot/Ankle/Knee/Hip & Lower Back Pain
• Plantar Fasciitis
• Heel Spurs
• Achilles Tendonitis
• Shin Splints
• IT Band Syndrome

Orthotics held you treat the cause, not just the symptom

Chiropractic & Massage Services also Available

For more information please call 604-733-7744 or check us out at:

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Introducing Jenna Kelly - Medical Intuitive Evaluation

Medical Intuitive Evaluation

Your energy field is the “blueprint” for your body. All of your physiological processes are affected by the state of your energy field. Meridians and Chakras, which have a balanced flow, produce health in the surrounding tissues and organs. Distortions or blocks in ones field, conversely set up the conditions which can progress to dysfunction and disease. A medical intuitive can read the patterns in your energy field and provide you with answers as to why you are facing certain health challenges. During an evaluation, you will learn what areas of your body have become the most imbalanced and, more importantly, what you can do to change these unhealthy patterns.

This type of screening is unique in that it can and often does reveal health issues that may be missed by standard medical diagnostic testing. In this way, a person can actually prevent and/or reverse health problems before there has been significant damage in the tissues. A medical intuitive evaluation will provide you with specific suggestions as to what supplements, therapies or treatments will correct any underlying imbalances.

A Medical Intuitive Evaluation with Jenna will:

Provide specific information regarding the health of your tissues, organs and body systems
Specifically identify the underlying mental and emotional issues affecting the physical body
Identify systems and areas of the body that have become disordered, long before any physical disease has manifested. Suggest supplements, remedies or other healing modalities that will be the most beneficial in restoring optimal health

Jenna Leigh Kelly- Medical Intuitive

Thursday, March 12, 2009

New Look Website -

We love sharing information about the community. Find new updates at our original website - New colours, information and links. Chiropractic, orthotic & massage services in Vancouver, BC, Canada with Dr. Michael Horowitz and Staff.

New Office Manager - Trisha Klassen

Update from Hycroft Chiropractic & Massage

Hycroft Chiropractic & Massage welcomes Trisha Klassen to our office as the new Office Manager. . Trisha is a welcome addition to our team and will greet you with a sunny smile on your next visit to our office. Her background is in personal training, body work and she currently leads a variety of early morning boot camps!

As many of you know, Allyson Grant has been our part time office manager for almost three years. It’s been a treat to have her with us but she will now be devoting her creative energies pursuing other passions in her life. Between her commercial acting, theatre classes for kids and teens, starting a new performance organization, and face painting business, Allyson is one busy gal! To see what she is up to, she invites you to check out her work at and We wish her all the best and are sure she will be around occasionally for the odd shift here and there.