Vancouver Chiropractic, Registered Massage & Acupuncture

Vancouver Chiropractic, Registered Massage & Acupuncture
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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Introducing Jenna Kelly - Medical Intuitive Evaluation

Medical Intuitive Evaluation

Your energy field is the “blueprint” for your body. All of your physiological processes are affected by the state of your energy field. Meridians and Chakras, which have a balanced flow, produce health in the surrounding tissues and organs. Distortions or blocks in ones field, conversely set up the conditions which can progress to dysfunction and disease. A medical intuitive can read the patterns in your energy field and provide you with answers as to why you are facing certain health challenges. During an evaluation, you will learn what areas of your body have become the most imbalanced and, more importantly, what you can do to change these unhealthy patterns.

This type of screening is unique in that it can and often does reveal health issues that may be missed by standard medical diagnostic testing. In this way, a person can actually prevent and/or reverse health problems before there has been significant damage in the tissues. A medical intuitive evaluation will provide you with specific suggestions as to what supplements, therapies or treatments will correct any underlying imbalances.

A Medical Intuitive Evaluation with Jenna will:

Provide specific information regarding the health of your tissues, organs and body systems
Specifically identify the underlying mental and emotional issues affecting the physical body
Identify systems and areas of the body that have become disordered, long before any physical disease has manifested. Suggest supplements, remedies or other healing modalities that will be the most beneficial in restoring optimal health

Jenna Leigh Kelly- Medical Intuitive

1 comment:

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