Vancouver Chiropractic, Registered Massage & Acupuncture

Vancouver Chiropractic, Registered Massage & Acupuncture
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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Vancouver Orthotics by Dr. Michael Horowitz

1-877-497-3338 (Feet), 604-737-3668 in Vancouver & BurnabyPosture Poster.JPG

Welcome to Vancouver Orthotics provided by health care professional Dr. Michael Horowitz. Our offices in Vancouver and Burnaby offer a wide variety of services including the prescription, fitting and dispensing of custom orthotic inserts and orthopedic shoes. Vancouver Orthotics provide a therapeutic approach to treating foot pain, ankle pain, knee pain, hip pain and lower back pain. Vancouver Orthotics also improve posture, gait, alignment and overall balance.

Vancouver Clinic - 113-3195 Granville St @ 16th Ave

Burnaby Clinic - 4416 Dawson St, 1/2 block west of Willingdon

Mission Statement:

Our goal at Vancouver Orthotics is to provide our patients in Vancouver with an enhanced biomechanical support system that will ultimately lead to better posture and elimination of foot, ankle, knee, hip and back pain. We achieve this goal through specific consultation, examination and if necessary, the fitting, production and dispensing of custom made orthotic inserts.

Symptoms commonly treated with Vancouver Orthotics

The Benefits of using Vancouver Orthotics Inserts:

  • Better Posture & Balance
  • Enhanced mechanical efficiency of motion
  • General & athletic performance improvements
  • Prevention of joint & soft tissue injury
  • Support & correction of the fallen (pronated) or high (supinated) foot arc

RESULTS! Vancouver Orthotics by Dr. Micahel Horowitz can have a powerful effect on how your body feels and functions. We expect results with this form of treatment and we know our patients do too. Have the security of a well trained & dedicated health provider - Dr. Michael Horowitz - evaluate your condition and create your custom orthotic inserts tailored for your specific needs.

Vancouver Orthotics - 113-3195 Granville St, Burnaby Orthotics - 4416 Dawson St

Have your questions about Custom Orthotics in Vancouver

answered by Dr. Michael Horowitz, by filling out the form below:

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West Vancouver Orthotics - 2121 Marine Drive

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Orthotics concern can also be treated. Good to know that Chiropractor can do something about that. I hear that this profession can also do something on your gut level.